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She hasn't done anything wrong....she is just being a woman! She is pursuing her career at the moment...she is doing really well for herself, actually...and, one day she will find the right man, one she is actually want to be serious about, and she will put her head on her shoulders! She will have to, because she will have to provide for him. For the time being, she is just having a bit of fun and playing around, as it is natural for women to do. Girls will be girls!

It's not her fault…In fact, it's your fault, it is your responsibility to protect yourself. She doesn't owe you anything! Besides, it's natural for women to want to have sex without attachment…because that's what women do. They just don't attach sex to emotions. But it is different for men. It is because of this hormone, that men have more than women, sometimes they call it the 'cuddle hormone'...the scientific name for it is ‘T-oxytocin’. So, unluckily, men get more attached when they have sex. They are just naturally more prone to building relationships and taking care of people.

Me in the photo, taken by friends.


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Aliou Barry
Aliou Barry
May 08, 2022

Interesting discussion on gender differences in emotion perception and sex. I always thought that men are less likely to get attached when they have sex, building relationship and prone to take care. But your article puzzles me. You make a reflection based on biological point of view instead of sociology. Societies views women in a different way than men if they were having sex without commitment. Women rarely do abandon their kids and are more prone to build relationship for long term.

Lorenza Peragine
May 16, 2022
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Hi, thanks for the comment. I took sentences that I heard saying to me when I was talking to people about my dating experiences with men (all literal quotes!) or things I have read online in ‘dating advice’ articles or blogs, and reversed them. I have reversed everything that people say about women, and applied it to men. Similarly, my reference to ‘scientific facts’ is sarcastic. Gender inequality has been long justified through ‘science’, just as much as racism once was. Women are not more prone to care and taking care of people, they are just taught to be, and they are conditioned to think of themselves in that way. What if we did this in real life - speak…

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